

词汇 laugh at
laugh at transitive verb [laugh at sb/sth] (be audibly amused by) 因…而笑 yīn… ér xiào she laughed at his joke 听了他的笑话,她笑了起来 what are you laughing at? 你们在笑什么? (feel amused by) 对…感到好笑 duì… gǎndào hǎoxiào stop laughing at me! 别再取笑我了! to laugh at oneself 自嘲 to laugh with sb, not at them 和某人一起笑,而不是取笑某人 (mock) 嘲笑 cháoxiào person, thing(express defiance of) 对…一笑置之 duì… yī xiào zhì zhī they laughed at our warnings 他们对我们的警告不以为然




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